Structure of the content and good search features
When offering a wide range of services to various industries like Beierholm does, it is important for the website visitors to quickly get an overview and find relevant professional information. There was a need for a good UI and interaction design, as well as improving the organization and searchability of large amounts of content.
User-centric approach
Therefore, the website now offers an intuitive structure where the user's visit is based on their specific purpose. The user can start by selecting their industry, the relevant service they are looking for, or a specific topic, all made possible through a carefully chosen taxonomy on the website. All content is meticulously tagged to present relevant and related information in searches. The website's search function is powered by Elasticsearch, an open-source software.
Beierholm assists companies throughout their business lifecycle, for example, in areas such as starting a new business, dealing with banks, expanding the company, advice on digitalization, outsourcing, and succession planning. Therefore, the website also provides content related to these different phases of a company: 'Starting a New Business,' 'Meeting with the Bank,' 'Company Expansion,' 'Digitalization Advice,' 'Outsourcing,' and 'Succession Planning'.
We have a really good collaboration with highly skilled and dedicated people at Novicell. They have a good understanding of our business, and they manage to convert it into online solutions. It gives us an advantage in the market.
The hosting solution is Microsoft Azure Kubernetes
Novicell has chosen to run beierholm.dk on Microsoft's Cloud Platform Azure. The solution is an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), which offers several advantages: 100% managed container orchestration service, provisioning, scaling, upgrading as needed or on-demand, all without downtime, and not to mention AKS node auto-repair. And yes, even if you are using the PHP programming language, you can still utilize Microsoft Hosting.