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Composable Architecture: How to Build Scalable and Future-Proof Systems

Let’s dive into the compelling benefits of implementing composable architecture for your online business. From slashing costs to bolstering security and speeding up your time-to-market, the advantages are significant.

Published October 8, 2024


Have you ever faced a complex digital transformation and thought: "Wouldn't it be great if we could pick the best solutions and have them work together?" This is exactly where composable architecture comes into play. 

Composable architecture is an approach to IT architecture that involves building systems from smaller, independent components. These components can be easily combined, customised, and changed as needed. This approach offers more flexible, scalable, and agile solutions. 

What is Composable Architecture?  

Imagine Lego bricks. Each brick can be combined in many ways to create something larger, but each brick is a complete entity. Composable architecture works in the same way. Instead of having one large system that must be updated or changed as a whole, you can take small modules and assemble them in new ways.

Composable architecture is built around three core principles:

  • Modularity: Each system is constructed from separate modules that can be added or removed.
  • Autonomy: Each component operates independently of the others, making updating or replacing them easier without affecting the rest of the architecture.
  • Orchestration: The modules can be coordinated to work together to meet specific business needs.

In other words, composable architecture is a "build as needed" model that makes it easy to tailor systems to changing requirements.

Building Blocks Composable

What Are the Main Elements of Composable Architecture?  

To fully benefit from composable architecture, it’s important to understand the fundamental building blocks. 


Microservices are small, independent services specialising in a specific function. These services can be developed and deployed independently, making building and scaling parts of the system easier without affecting the whole. Microservices also allow businesses to use different technologies or languages for services based on specific requirements and needs. 

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces)

APIs act as the connections that bind the system’s components. By standardising how data is exchanged between different modules, APIs ensure that various components can communicate effectively, regardless of their internal architecture or technology platform. This makes it possible to integrate new modules quickly and efficiently. 

Headless CMS and PIM Systems

Headless CMS (Content Management System) and PIM (Product Information Management) systems separate the backend architecture from the frontend presentation. This separation allows development teams to change frontends, such as websites and apps, without affecting the backend structure. This ensures faster deployments and provides greater freedom to experiment with different user experiences without accruing technical debt. 

Why Is Composable Architecture a Good Solution?  

You might already know how frustrating it can be to work with legacy systems that are hard to adapt and costly to update. With composable architecture, you get a more flexible and future-proof solution that can more easily adapt to new needs. 


  • Flexibility and Faster Adaptation Fast time-to-market is crucial in modern online businesses. That’s why composable architecture is ideal, as it allows for quicker implementation and system changes. For example, if you want to launch a new product or adjust a service, you can quickly add or modify modules without rebuilding the entire system. 


  • Reduced Costs and Risks Legacy systems can be costly to maintain—and when something goes wrong, it can lead to downtime and lost revenue. Comp composable architecture allows you to easily replace or update individual components without taking the entire system offline. 


  • Scalability for Future Growth Composable architecture enables your business to grow without being constrained by the technical foundation. As your business expands, adding new modules or adjusting existing features to support new strategies or markets is possible. 


A Secure Solution for Modern IT Systems  

In addition to flexibility and scalability, composable architecture offers increased security through its modular approach. Because each component in composable architecture is autonomous and independent, it becomes possible to secure each module individually with the latest security measures without affecting the entire system. This means that vulnerabilities can be isolated and resolved quickly—without endangering other parts of the architecture. 

Using APIs to connect modules allows security policies to be centralised and more precisely managed. For example, ensuring that data transfer between components is encrypted and controlled reduces the risk of a single weakness compromising the entire system. Composable architecture allows you to adapt your security strategy to individual modules. 

How to Get Started  

By now, you should have a good understanding of why composable architecture is a future-proof solution that can support the development of your business. But how do you get off to a good start with implementation? Let us guide you. 

Understand your business needs

Composable architecture is about tailoring solutions to specific needs. Before implementing a composable solution, you must deeply understand what your business requires. What systems are in use today? What challenges are you facing? And where do you see your business in five years? Once you have a clear picture of your needs, you can identify which modules make the most sense. 

Start small, scale quickly 

One of the benefits of composable architecture is that you don’t have to overhaul the entire system at once. You can start by implementing smaller modules and gradually add more as needs evolve.

Find the right partner 

To reap the most benefits from composable architecture, you must identify the most relevant technology partners who can create the most value. Many vendors offer modules that can integrate with existing systems, but it’s about selecting the right ones. Choose a technical partner that understands composable architecture and can provide flexible, scalable solutions that match your needs. 

Customise and orchestrate

Once you have the right modules, it’s about making them work together. This requires a solid understanding of system integration and orchestration. You must ensure the various components communicate correctly and deliver the desired value. Fortunately, a variety of tools available can ensure that the modules are orchestrated properly. 

Need Professional Advice?  

Composable architecture is not a passing trend; it is the future of IT architecture. Flexible, scalable, cost-effective, composable architecture allows you to continually tailor your online business to new strategies and markets—one building block at a time.

We have the expertise to help you implement flexible, scalable solutions that provide a competitive edge. Whether you need advice on which modules best meet your needs or assistance orchestrating the various components into a cohesive IT ecosystem, our professional guidance is available at every step.

To learn more about how composable architecture can deliver tailored solutions and create value for your online business, download our  whitepaper today. It offers in-depth knowledge and actionable strategies to help you build the right foundation—one module at a time.