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Artificial Intelligence

Before us lies immense business potential in artificial intelligence (AI). Read here how Novicell can assist your company to unleash its true potential

How does your company get started with AI?

AI has an enormous potential and has already started to transform a range of industries: Health care, Retail, Finance and so on. Some experts foresee that within the next five years, every job, every function and every industry will be transformed by the power of AI. So, it’s time to start your AI journey – if you haven’t already. Getting started with AI may seem like a challenging task. We are here for you. We understand that every business is unique, which is why we offer tailor-made AI solutions that align with your specific needs and objectives.

A shift in handling intelligence

A significant difference between modern approaches to AI and older approaches to artificial intelligence lies in how they handle intelligence. Traditional systems were typically built using if-then rules, where a human defined a set of rules and conditions that the system followed. This is effective for solving specific tasks but also limits the system to operate within the predefined rules. For example with generative AI, solutions and outcomes are not predetermined by a set of rules defined by humans. Algorithms are used to process data, discover trends in the data, and predict outcomes.

AI Graphic Design

The widespread adoption of AI is attributed to ChatGPT, which utilizes Generative AI, an advanced technology in the field of artificial intelligence that performs tasks similarly to the human brain. Generative AI opens up a world of possibilities. One of its most significant applications is in content creation. Businesses can utilize generative AI to generate images, videos, written content, and even music, which can save time and resources compared to manual content development. Additionally, generative AI is excellent at creating personalized content for customers, which can enhance the user experience and increase customer satisfaction.

Examples of client solutions:

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    Optimization of existing web content with AI

    For clients who want their existing web content to be optimized, we have assisted them in generating SEO optimized texts and images (alt texts). We have also used AI for preparing SEO optimized product data sheets and to change 2D to 3D illustrations and translated data sheets to +20 languages.

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    Data analysis and pattern recognition

    AI can efficiently handle extremely large volumes of data and identify complex patterns, anomalies, and trends. We assist businesses with a wide range of tasks in this field. One example is to identify sales patterns across a wide product range ensuring the right prioritisations in the future product portfolio.

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    Migration of web content to a new platform

    For clients facing a migration situation where content needs to be migrated to a new web platform, there are significant benefits in allowing AI technologies to assist. We have helped clients to migrate texts and images including creating image captions and automatically cropping images to new formats - and SEO optimize it all. One client has estimated having saved 3.000 man hours in their migration process.

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    Customer segmentation and personalized content

    Many companies are already working on structured customer segmentation and personalization. We are using AI to turbocharge this area, particularly in the intersection of patterns, segments, and content.

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    Optimization of social media and search

    By using AI, social media efforts and search engine rankings can be analyzed and optimized. We have built an AI engine that iteratively checks and improves content until it eventually presents a proposal for approval. For one client we have built an AI based SoMe tool allowing CVI compliant posts to be prepared in 1/4 of the normal time.

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    Chatbots and customer support

    Generative AI can be used to develop advanced chatbots that can provide fast and efficient customer support and answer questions around the clock.

How do you typically get started? Client x Novicell

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    Book an AI workshop with Novicell

    An AI workshop can be used to identify and unlock the AI potential specifically tailored to your company. The workshop can either be based on your own ideas for AI applications or start with a catalog of ideas, such as tasks we've solved for other clients.

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    Data preparation for AI use

    An essential prerequisite for using AI to solve tasks is that your data is accessible and structured. Novicell has a substantial data management department that can assist with data structuring and storage.

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    Enter an AI partnership agreement with Novicell and stay ahead

    We can help with service agreements for your AI solutions as well as AI inspiration sessions at regular intervals. These sessions keep you up to date with AI developments and discuss various AI potentials.

AI has truly demonstrated to everyone it's incredible power. Some of our clients are looking into a cost cutting potential of up to 90%. These efficiency gains we're witnessing will deliver significant competitive advantages to those who know how to harness them, whether through superior products or reduced expenses.

Jens Hagbard Groenkjaer Novicell Dk Jhg
Jens Hagbard Grønkjær
Business Unit Director, AI, Data & Business Intelligence, Novicell

Why Novicell? 

Our first step is always a consulting process that focuses on understanding your company and your company's vision. During this phase, we listen to your visions, explore your current challenges, and identify the areas where artificial intelligence can deliver the greatest value. The subsequent work can either be based on your specific needs and ideas or we can start with a catalog of ideas, including tasks we've successfully tackled for other clients. 

We have been working in the fields of data management, intelligent solutions, and Machine Learning for many years. We view the new possibilities with AI as a natural extension of our expertise. Our AI Team has practical experience and a firm grasp of everything related to AI. With our AI-specialist by your side, you’ll receive the proper guidance to make the right decisions along your AI-journey.