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Piwik PRO

Piwik PRO is an analytic tool for collecting and analysing web-behaviour data, focusing on personal data and complies with GDPR.

Piwik PRO

With Piwik PRO Analytics, you avoid data collected on your website is shared with others. The data is yours, and you decide what to do with it. The collected data is hosted in the EU and contains key functions from Google Analytics. On-premises and private cloud options give you full control over your data and the ability to analyse digital user experiences securely in multiple locations.



Novicell is recognised as a Piwik PRO Analytics specialist – to the great advantage of our clients looking for an alternative web analytics solution to Google Analytics. 

Our tracking and analytics specialists have in-depth knowledge of Piwik PRO Analytics and the many possibilities of the tool. With the partnership, we have a strong and competent team in setting up and using the Piwik PRO Analytics Suite. We are ready to help companies who want to get started with an alternative tracking solution to Google Analytics.  

Piwik PRO Analytics partner

To be appointed as a Piwik PRO Analytics partner, you must meet a number of high requirements. We have been selected based on our expertise and experience in setting up and using Piwik PRO Analytics solutions, among other things.

Benefits of Piwik PRO

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    GDPR regulations

    With Piwik PRO, the company can collect personal data and, at the same time, comply with GDPR regulations.

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    Hosting in EU

    All data collected is being hosted in the EU.

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    Complete datasets

    Adjust the tracking to match your privacy and security requirements - reliable performance under traffic spikes and no random checks.

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    Powerful analytics stack

    Use other Piwik PRO modules – Tag Manager, CDP, and Consent Manager – to extend the functionality of Analytics.